The Behemoth Himself / 3.6 Halloween Candy

The Behemoth Himself / 3.6 Halloween Candy
The Barone Zone
The Behemoth Himself / 3.6 Halloween Candy

Jul 27 2023 | 01:30:17

Episode 6 • July 27, 2023 • 01:30:17

Show Notes

As the Barone Boys do more or less what you'd expect three men hosting an improv podcast would do with "condom" as a suggestion, they also seek the general consensus on Season 3, Episode 6 of Everybody Loves Raymond, "Halloween Candy."

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:26] Speaker A: It's July, the scariest time of year according to this new mandate that forces all Limbrookians to enjoy Halloween twice a year, including today. What are the ODS? Well, it's because of the episode, but, you know, that's just kind of how we roll here in beautiful Limbrook. Welcome back to Everybody Loves everybody Loves Raymond. You can call me Alex Shearer. I'm the resident mayor of Limbrook, New York, home of the sitcom Everybody Loves Raymond. I'm joined here with my two subordinates introduce yourselves. Company slackers. [00:01:07] Speaker B: Hello, I'm Adam Rudy. I am, of course, the pharmacist for Limbrook and chiefly, of course, am in charge of the contraceptive department. Big week for me, Mike. How you doing? [00:01:23] Speaker C: Hey, how you guys doing? My name is Mike G. I am the head of the department of Tricks and or Treats. And I'm very happy to be here and be appointed for this Halloween celebration today. This is the most serious I have ever taken any job in the government. [00:01:40] Speaker A: So are you leaning more towards treat or trick? [00:01:43] Speaker C: It depends on how shit goes here. Okay, listen, I got some people over here that are hanging out full size Hershey chocolate bars down on Catalpha, okay? This is the smallest road in Limbrook that for some reason gets mentioned the now they get a treat, right? They're doing great. They're going to get some tax benefits, branding out the full size King bars. On the other side, we have the people on Stark that are handing out Pennies and Werther's Originals. And I say that we carpet bomb all of Stark's Avenue as a trick to end that one. [00:02:22] Speaker A: Good job. Mike, what are you doing about Mrs. Henderson giving out raisins? [00:02:26] Speaker C: Listen, say what you will about Mrs. Henderson. She's had enough treats this year. We can allow her to just hand out the raisins, okay? She's kind of got a little bit off the rails. We can put it aside. She's getting people to calm down with the raisins and I think that is very appropriate of her. [00:02:45] Speaker B: Mike drawing a hard line in the sand about Limbrook's oldest woman, Guinness. Mike, I'm going to say pump the brakes a little bit on carpet bombing Stark. [00:02:58] Speaker C: But why? [00:02:59] Speaker B: Because they when was the last time. [00:03:01] Speaker C: That you went trick or treating and were happy to get a warriors original? [00:03:05] Speaker B: Well, let me tell you, when I go and make my rounds as the pharmacist, as part of my new duty, I've been going door to door. I did this the day before and handed out appropriately sized contraceptives to the residents of the various streets of Limbrook. So Catalpa, obviously magnum big extra large condoms of deal. This is big for my department. I have a deal with the high school sex ed teachers to make exclusive supplier of the condoms that they put on their arm to demonstrate that no guy is too big for a condom. Did you have that? Because I had that. [00:03:52] Speaker C: Yeah. The HSE. [00:03:53] Speaker A: What fucking high school did you go to? [00:03:56] Speaker C: What the no, no. The HSSE is very standardized in that way. [00:04:00] Speaker B: Really? [00:04:01] Speaker C: The Union of High School Sex Educators? Yeah. [00:04:04] Speaker B: And what is that? [00:04:07] Speaker C: High school sex educator HSSE. Yeah. [00:04:10] Speaker B: Okay. Not huge sock sized. [00:04:17] Speaker C: A condom. No. [00:04:24] Speaker A: I just got the condom tutorial where they took out, like, Mr. Woody, where it's just a what's? [00:04:28] Speaker B: Mr. Woody? [00:04:29] Speaker C: Who the fuck is Mr. Woody? [00:04:31] Speaker A: You guys don't know Mr. Woody? [00:04:34] Speaker B: The ones I know are arm or banana. I'm not familiar with Mr. Woody. [00:04:40] Speaker C: Mr. Woody? [00:04:42] Speaker A: Mr. Woody is just like a little two by four with a dowel sticking out of it. Like a dick sized dowel. They call him Mr. Woody, and then they put the condom on that. This is a real thing? [00:04:54] Speaker B: They need a two by okay. [00:04:59] Speaker A: No, it's just like a piece of wood. [00:05:01] Speaker B: So it's a wooden dowel? [00:05:04] Speaker A: Yeah. They call it Mr. Woody. [00:05:07] Speaker B: Okay. [00:05:11] Speaker C: Someone got paid real government budget money to put a dick on a piece of wood. [00:05:16] Speaker A: Well, all right, hang on. Before we go any further, I promise we're going to get right back to all the dick and sex talk because of the contents of this episode. But first, I want to tell you what episode this is. This is season three, episode six, halloween Candy. In one of my personal favorite episodes of the series, ray and Deborah prepare to celebrate Halloween with some colorful condoms. But when they get mistaken for candy by Frank, the neighborhood kids end up with more than sweets in their bags. [00:05:49] Speaker B: Did you write did you find that? [00:05:52] Speaker A: No, I wrote that. We got a really fun show for you tonight. I will say this is nothing else. [00:06:00] Speaker C: This is one of the funniest episodes of Everybody Loves Raymond, even my absolute favorites. [00:06:07] Speaker A: I hope this podcast episode does well, because this is probably in my top three. Everybody loves framing his episodes, and I'm so excited to talk about it with everyone. [00:06:17] Speaker C: I will also say, when we talked about how I watched this when I was a kid, obviously not this episode with my parents, they were like, yeah, we'll watch that one when you're older, which is very fair. I didn't know this episode existed until I watched this, and this was quite a treat. I really enjoyed. [00:06:35] Speaker A: Wait, you just saw this for the first time? [00:06:38] Speaker C: This is the first time I saw this episode. [00:06:39] Speaker A: Holy shit. What a freaking treat you just had. Yeah, this is, like, one of the best episodes. That's awesome. [00:06:47] Speaker B: This really was like, nothing in this episode misses for me. I thought it was really funny. [00:06:57] Speaker A: Yeah, there's so much yeah. [00:07:00] Speaker B: Premise of Frank. First of all, he came over to the house and immediately started watching pornography in front of the front door and then starts handing out condoms to children. And then Deborah having to deal with the fallout from that just such a funny premise. It went way different than I thought it was going to go. When the vasectomy came up, I thought it was going to be a typical like, basically the whole episode revolving around the scene with Robert and Andy where they're it doesn't it affects your fertility. When he's saying he couldn't salute the captain anymore, by the way, because I'm a pharmacist doctor now, the National Institute of Health, the National Institutes of Health says that most studies show that vasectomies do not affect sexual function. We are combating medical misinformation on this condom. [00:08:05] Speaker C: I also want to say adam, hold on. Sorry. That was the best. Actually, I do notice that on the condom that you're holding, you have to put it on in order to read all the fine print. [00:08:21] Speaker B: That's why I put it on my arm and I go around and show everyone because it's got this rubber glove. [00:08:28] Speaker C: Which I will say is a little bit dangerous because if you're not big enough, you're just missing a lot of the warning. [00:08:34] Speaker B: You need a magnifying glass. [00:08:36] Speaker C: Yeah. I will also say that, just for the record, vasectomies are not 100% reversible. There are a lot of people that think you can just Snip on, Snip off. That's not how it works. There is a very strong risk vasectomy listen, do what you want, but it's not a permanent solution. I'm sorry. It is a permanent solution, and you should approach it that way. I just felt the need to point that out. But you're right. There is very rarely any problems with saluting the Captain after a Snip. Snip. [00:09:10] Speaker B: And I will say, ever since we changed the lights in the town hall to the Snipper, it's been so much more convenient. Snip on. Snip off. [00:09:21] Speaker C: Snip on. Snip off. Yeah. [00:09:25] Speaker B: It doesn't play on, Mike, but we're doing it. [00:09:30] Speaker A: Yeah, I heard they were trying, like, a new thing with vasectomy. It's kind of like a light switch where you just have a little thing on the side of your balls that you just flip it down and it turns off the functionality. [00:09:46] Speaker C: What the fuck are you fuck are you reading? Jesus. [00:09:50] Speaker A: Well, I was talking to the limbrook doctor earlier, Dr. Lindbrook. [00:09:54] Speaker B: Dr. B what was that guy's name? Mike? [00:10:01] Speaker C: Dr. Lindbrook. I love him. [00:10:03] Speaker B: No, you mean I wish I could remember. Dr. B fixon. Was it something like yeah, no, it. [00:10:09] Speaker C: Was Dr. B Fixin. Dr. B fixin. That's it. [00:10:13] Speaker B: Yeah, it's a little something for listeners of the Baronus Sonus, dr. B Fix. [00:10:18] Speaker A: And the number one limbrookian doctor right behind Dr. Limbrook. Dr. Limbrook. [00:10:24] Speaker B: Those two head to head in the rankings. [00:10:27] Speaker A: Oh, absolutely. [00:10:28] Speaker B: Shortlist, though. [00:10:30] Speaker A: Well, the three of us, we got a big schedule for tonight. We got a lot to do. We got a lot of places to go. Frankly, I just want to go trick or treat someone's at that. [00:10:42] Speaker B: Sorry, hold on, let me get so we've got Magnums, we've got Minions. I want to go trick or treat? Doubles. Okay. Hey, come on in. That's how it works, right? Come on in? [00:10:52] Speaker C: Yeah, I just want the candy, but sure, if it's candy, that's fine with me. [00:10:58] Speaker B: First, before I decide what to give you, can I see your ID clearly? [00:11:04] Speaker C: Fucking five years. [00:11:05] Speaker B: Okay, never mind. Alex, give him this one. [00:11:09] Speaker A: All right. I'm just going to give him the chocolate condom instead. [00:11:12] Speaker C: The chocolate what? [00:11:14] Speaker A: It it's the chocolate balloon. [00:11:17] Speaker C: I'm dressed as Buzz Lightyear. [00:11:21] Speaker A: It's a coin. It's just a chocolate coin. It's a joke for the grownups and the people who are listening to this show. [00:11:27] Speaker C: This show sucks. [00:11:29] Speaker B: Okay, well, did you see it? Did you watch it? [00:11:32] Speaker C: Yeah. I was very confused for the vast majority of it. [00:11:37] Speaker A: Well, they did refer to the things as the things and nothing else. So if you're a kid, you're probably just not going to understand what's happening. [00:11:46] Speaker C: Yeah, I wanted to know why Deborah's costume sucked so much. She put on a little hat and said she's a student. You got to do more effort than that. That's terrible. [00:11:57] Speaker A: She wasn't planning on keeping it on that long. [00:12:00] Speaker C: Wear the costume the trick or trick. That sucks. That's awful. [00:12:04] Speaker A: You'll understand when you're older. [00:12:06] Speaker B: And can I just say, Buz, you're one to talk. [00:12:13] Speaker C: Fuck does that mean? [00:12:15] Speaker B: It means you're wearing a fish bowl on your head and you are wearing a purple T shirt and calling yourself Buz Lightyear. [00:12:23] Speaker A: I mean, you didn't even take out the fish. It's just on the side. [00:12:26] Speaker B: Yeah, that's got a dead fish in your ear. [00:12:29] Speaker C: That's goldie. This is goldie's, home. I can't take you guys are mean. [00:12:35] Speaker B: Well, we gave you a chocolate condom. [00:12:38] Speaker C: Fuck you. [00:12:39] Speaker A: Get out of here. Go out of here. We hate you. Never come back. Tell your friends. [00:12:45] Speaker B: Mike, maybe you should have taken that one. [00:12:47] Speaker C: I mean, maybe you guys were terrible. [00:12:50] Speaker A: One thing this podcast has taught me is that kids love Mike. Here's another one. Hello? [00:12:56] Speaker C: Hey, did you just tell my kid to fuck off? [00:12:59] Speaker A: Yeah, he did, Adam. He's the Secretary of Fucking. You can talk to him. [00:13:03] Speaker B: I'm a pharmacist doctor. [00:13:05] Speaker C: You made my kid cry. It's second Halloween. What the fuck, dude? [00:13:09] Speaker B: Well, can I ask where he got the costume from? [00:13:14] Speaker C: Yeah, we had the fishbowl. Clearly at. [00:13:19] Speaker A: Had. [00:13:19] Speaker C: He didn't want to take goldie in it, so we put it on over his head. Yeah, it was my idea. What are you talking about? I don't make enough money to buy him a freaking Buz Light. You cost him two days, two times a year. Are you kidding me? [00:13:35] Speaker A: Can he breathe in that thing? [00:13:38] Speaker C: Probably. [00:13:39] Speaker A: Did you put air holes in it? [00:13:41] Speaker B: He seemed kind of lightheaded. [00:13:43] Speaker C: I'm asking the questions here. [00:13:45] Speaker B: What are you talking I don't believe you have asked a question to this point, sir. [00:13:49] Speaker C: I asked if you were the guy that told my kid to fuck off and that his costume sucks and made. [00:13:54] Speaker B: Him cry, the answer is yes. [00:13:57] Speaker C: Go. Fuck you. Fuck you, man. [00:14:00] Speaker B: Hey, are you married? [00:14:04] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:14:06] Speaker B: And when things get a little hot and heavy with why should I answer. [00:14:11] Speaker C: This question with you? Because my kid cry and now you're. [00:14:15] Speaker B: Asking me about I'm a pharmacist. Sir, please. I'm a pharmacist with an F. Do you use condoms or do you use spermicidal gel? [00:14:30] Speaker A: Or did you get a vasectomy or would you like one? [00:14:33] Speaker C: We're actually trying for another so far. Buz over here is an only child. [00:14:40] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, I met that kid. Why would you want another one of those? [00:14:43] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [00:14:44] Speaker B: I adopt. Honestly. [00:14:47] Speaker C: How dare you? [00:14:52] Speaker B: Coming in, sir. [00:14:55] Speaker C: You made an enemy today. My name is Billy Bob Jenkins. You ain't had the last of me. [00:15:01] Speaker A: All right? My name is Tyrone Dickey. [00:15:04] Speaker C: Guys, for the record, need to say it's a really bad idea to antagonize our constituents quite like you just. [00:15:19] Speaker A: One guy. That's just one guy baggy Bobby something. [00:15:23] Speaker C: Whatever. [00:15:23] Speaker B: Honestly, I forgot him. A lot of people are driving in from Rockville Center because they don't have second Halloween. Well, technically it's first Halloween like we do, so he didn't vote. I bet he looked like a Rockville Center kind of guy. [00:15:42] Speaker A: His kids saw the episode, so well. [00:15:44] Speaker B: You can't miss him. We have put up the screens that face outward so that the rest of Long Island can enjoy, but no, that guy had Rockville Center written all over him. Literally. That was his costume. He was the li r station. [00:16:00] Speaker A: It was pretty good. [00:16:01] Speaker C: I liked mean so anyway, that looked really heavy. And I don't know, man, I just said guy. We'll see where that leads. [00:16:11] Speaker B: Probably somewhere that coming back to bite us in the ass. Seems very unlikely given everything I know about us. [00:16:20] Speaker A: Yeah, nothing ever comes back to bite us in the ass. Speaking of door, I've been trying to. [00:16:26] Speaker C: Go just adam, take a hike with this guy. [00:16:30] Speaker B: Okay, I got to go count my condom. [00:16:32] Speaker C: Hey, how are you doing? Oh, wow, what a great costume. What are you dressed as? [00:16:37] Speaker B: I'm a flight attendant. A sexy flight attendant. Yeah. [00:16:44] Speaker C: Okay. [00:16:44] Speaker A: Hi. [00:16:46] Speaker C: What's your name, buddy? [00:16:48] Speaker B: Well, my name is Gerald. I'm 43, and I'm here for a Magnum condom. Is this the right yeah, yeah, it I what was that heavy despairing sigh about? Should I come back later? [00:17:06] Speaker C: No, we got plenty of condoms to get out, Gerald. I just listen, looking at was I was just. [00:17:17] Speaker A: Asked him, Mike. Ask him what color he wants. [00:17:21] Speaker C: He's right there. [00:17:22] Speaker A: You could also ask no, no, ask him. [00:17:25] Speaker C: All right, well, the mayor would like to know hey, Gerald, what color would you like? [00:17:31] Speaker B: Well, I don't know if you can tell by my costume, but it's based on, like, a 60s vintage American airline. So blue or red? Okay. Hey, Mike would be great. [00:17:45] Speaker C: Alex, I'm right here. Alex, I'm right here. I see you. I hear you. I hear your voice. Yeah. [00:17:52] Speaker A: Now ask him what size he wants. [00:17:55] Speaker C: You just said mean. All right, what size? Blue or red condom would you like? [00:18:02] Speaker B: Magnum. I did say Magnum. [00:18:05] Speaker A: If you did say Magnum yeah, but what size? [00:18:08] Speaker C: What? We have apparently many sizes of Magnums. [00:18:13] Speaker B: Which one do they put on? Woody. Mr. Woody. [00:18:17] Speaker A: You see, Alex pulls out an actual basketball hoop. [00:18:23] Speaker C: I guess they put on that. [00:18:25] Speaker B: That's the one that I want. [00:18:29] Speaker C: I don't need that image, Gerald, and I feel it. [00:18:33] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, look, he is walking around like a say I will say. [00:18:38] Speaker B: To be honest, I'm walking around like a beach umbrella. If you can picture that. You didn't notice that I came up here by spinning. [00:18:54] Speaker A: I have a sneaking suspicion, helicopter man, that this episode spoke to you in particular. [00:18:59] Speaker B: Oh, I love this episode. This episode was hilarious. Do you mind if I come in and sit down? Sorry, my stand is getting tired. [00:19:09] Speaker A: Yeah, sure. Hang on. Mike, get two chairs. [00:19:16] Speaker B: Yep. I'm going to sit down in one chair and then put the other chair about 7ft away, and we'll just rest it. [00:19:25] Speaker C: Is there something happening here, Gerald, that's gotten you all excited, or are you just happy to see us here? [00:19:30] Speaker B: This is Flaccid, my friend. [00:19:34] Speaker A: Dude, you could be an Uber with something this big, just like, have people hop on and walk them around. [00:19:47] Speaker B: I I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it, but I've pitched Uber Triple XXX, but they're not returning my calls. [00:19:58] Speaker A: Did you get a lot of money from being the stun actor for Indiana Jones's Whip? [00:20:05] Speaker B: Oh, lengthwise. See, the thing that didn't connect with me on that is I've got so much girth that, yes, I auditioned for the role, but they said the technology at the time didn't exist to digitally thin it down to put into the film. Do you regret asking that question? [00:20:28] Speaker A: Only a little. I guess you were more like a canon from Pirates of the Caribbean size. [00:20:34] Speaker B: Well, I was on that little so. [00:20:36] Speaker C: What did you think of the episode, Gerald? [00:20:39] Speaker B: Oh, this episode was know for me. [00:20:44] Speaker C: You seem very comfortable talking about very intimate topics with two people that you just met. [00:20:50] Speaker B: Well, Mike, look at him. [00:20:52] Speaker A: Look at him. [00:20:52] Speaker B: It's gonna come up every room I go into. I'm like the Elephant Man in more ways than one. [00:20:57] Speaker A: Dude, if he gets aroused, he's going to blow a hole through our door. [00:21:01] Speaker B: It's literally the elephant in the room, sir. I have to address it. [00:21:07] Speaker C: Okay, so first of all, do you have a wife? [00:21:12] Speaker B: Do I have a wife? [00:21:13] Speaker C: Well, or a husband or partner of an account. [00:21:16] Speaker A: Stupid question. If this man's not tied down, there's no justice in the world. [00:21:21] Speaker B: I did. [00:21:24] Speaker C: What happened? [00:21:25] Speaker B: Well, you can probably guess. [00:21:27] Speaker C: Did you impale her? [00:21:29] Speaker B: You know exactly what happened. You don't even have to ask. It's obvious. [00:21:35] Speaker A: Well, now you have two smaller wives. [00:21:38] Speaker B: Wedding night. [00:21:39] Speaker C: Holy fuck. [00:21:42] Speaker B: Saving ourselves from marriage. [00:21:46] Speaker A: Pulled a lance a lot. It didn't work. You know what? [00:21:49] Speaker B: I have pulled my lance a lot. It's true. I don't like to talk about it. It's hard. [00:21:54] Speaker A: So this episode is interesting to me. It is because the main conflict of the episode is caused by Frank's misunderstanding. I think because of that, it leaves room for Ray and Deborah to have a really healthy dialogue about their sex life. I think the chemistry between Ray and Deborah is very like. It's not something we see that often. And I could so easily see a version of this exact episode that just has Rey being the same horn dog. But the conflict arises from Deborah not wanting to be physical with him. And I'm glad the episode didn't go that way, even if it might have only been because they found a funnier alternative. I think because the issue did not arise between Ray and Deborah, it really gave them the opportunity to work together towards the same goal. And it was just nice seeing Deborah kind of pine after Rey because it's always Ray pining after Deborah. It's nice to see reminded, like, oh, they're married and they do love each other and they're still physically attracted to each other. [00:22:55] Speaker B: It's great to see them both wanting to have sex and not just Rey being whiny, like pleading about it. It's great to see them into each other. I know that as the series is going to go on, they're going to be more of the stereotypical sitcom, like sniping at each other and husband and wife humor. But it's nice that the conflict in this episode is, or to start anyway, is they want to have sex with each other, but they're out of contraceptives and so they discuss the vasectomy. I think Ray actually takes he doesn't protest too much. He sort of takes it relatively in stride in a way that 90s sitcom husbands, I don't think, rarely did. I think rarely did. [00:23:57] Speaker A: Thank you, Gerald. That was really insightful. Mike, what do you think about all this? [00:24:02] Speaker C: I'm sorry, I have not been following. I've just been staring at Gerald. I'm sorry, Gerald. I know this has got to be distracting. [00:24:10] Speaker A: Eyes are up there, Mike. [00:24:12] Speaker C: All right, listen, Gerald. You clearly are somehow a very insightful man, despite your primary trait. But I will say, I have to. [00:24:24] Speaker B: Say, you are really objectifying me. And it was fine at first because I'm used to it, but to ignore everything I just said I'm sorry, mike. [00:24:35] Speaker A: You'Re making him age, like, 20 years. [00:24:37] Speaker C: You came in here and asked for a condom the size of a basketball hoop. [00:24:43] Speaker A: You didn't ask for that. I saw and offered. [00:24:50] Speaker C: Okay, I don't have a question. I thought that this was a good episode. I enjoyed the fact that Ray came up with an alternative solution even though it blew up in his face. I enjoyed the problem solving here and I really actually even know we'll get to it. I really did enjoy the conversation at Nemo's. I thought that that was both very real, like, guy talk kind of thing and also just kind of like a really funny yeah, I just that's all. You want three? I don't know why Alex ordered three basketball hoop size condoms, but I guess you can have three. [00:25:35] Speaker B: It's my lucky day. Happy birthday to Gerald Magnum. [00:25:39] Speaker A: You can have sex three times. [00:25:42] Speaker B: Well, if I can someone who wants. [00:25:45] Speaker C: I was going to ask why do you need the condoms if the wife didn't work out so well? [00:25:54] Speaker B: Well, if I'm honest, they're aspirational I'm hoping because it's Halloween and maybe there's something in the air that I might have a connection with somebody. But I don't know. It hasn't happened in the past for me. People see Gerald being carried down the street by my team and they want something to do. Yeah, I have. Well, boys, come on in. These six men go with me wherever I go. I call them my ball bearers and know, carry me as I go down the street. [00:26:35] Speaker C: They lead you see, they speak entirely in unison. Yes. [00:26:39] Speaker B: Gerald, you want me to layer multiples of you over that? [00:26:45] Speaker C: I would love for you to do that, actually. I would love for you to do that in harmony when I speak as the ball bears. [00:26:52] Speaker A: Nice to meet you guys. Gerald, I did have a suggestion, and I might regret saying know you've been talking know I've been seeing what you're packing and how you're kind of desperate to find someone. Have you ever met the girl that works down at the deli? [00:27:12] Speaker B: The girl who works down at the deli? [00:27:14] Speaker A: Yeah, she's available. She is ready for someone just like you, my friend. I think all you'd have to do is go in and just say hi and let really creepy genetics do the rest. [00:27:32] Speaker B: Well, I mean, I do go to that deli a lot. I've just been too I mean, you. [00:27:40] Speaker C: Got to imagine that she's carrying around like that. She sees you being carried around by these six gentlemen over here. They might be able to help you out here. [00:27:51] Speaker B: Well, she doesn't, because due to the size of the location, I do have to back in, which makes it easy to sort of hide my ball bears. It just looks like I'm being followed in by two rows of three men. [00:28:08] Speaker A: It makes it look cool. Like you have security guards. [00:28:11] Speaker B: Yeah, I moonwalk so it looks cool. Picture. Are you picturing it? So I moonwalk into the deli. [00:28:24] Speaker C: Later. [00:28:25] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:28:27] Speaker C: As they walk, you see all the ball bears just shouting as they walk. [00:28:33] Speaker B: As they walk backwards is not my lover she's just a girl who thinks that I am the one but the kid is not my son. [00:28:47] Speaker A: Almost there. [00:28:48] Speaker B: Stop. Wait, hold on. Let me put a little sham on. Okay, and turns just ever so slightly. [00:29:00] Speaker C: Corner, corner, corner, corner, corner, corner, corner. [00:29:06] Speaker A: It's like a game of snake. [00:29:07] Speaker B: Not mine, sir. Hey, that's not very nice to shout at someone. [00:29:15] Speaker C: Hey, what the fuck? You see the Ball bears, ball bearers all drop, run over, beat up that guy, return to their position. No one's meeting Gerald. No one's meeting Gerald. [00:29:30] Speaker B: Because of the gravitational force of Gerald, they were able to run over and do that and come back without it hitting the ground. Thanks, fellas. How's the hair? How's the fedora? Looking good. Glove? [00:29:48] Speaker C: Looking hot. [00:29:49] Speaker B: Looking good. Okay, Mike gave me the confidence to do this. I think I'm ready to. [00:30:01] Speaker C: You see, one Ball Bear leans over and just like cut this man. Remember, you're a valid person no matter what. [00:30:09] Speaker B: Thanks, Juan. Ding ding. Hello, I'd like to order to the Deli. [00:30:17] Speaker C: Okay, what would you like? [00:30:20] Speaker B: So breathless. Well, I was wondering, actually, if you wouldn't mind, would you want to maybe I'm Gerald. And would you want to maybe go on a date with me? [00:30:35] Speaker C: All of the ballbearers lean in really close to hear the answer. Oh, okay. Pick me up after my shift. Pick her up, pick her, pick her. Pick her up, pick her up. [00:30:55] Speaker B: Hold on, guys. Hold on, hold on. What time is your shift over? [00:31:05] Speaker C: 718. [00:31:08] Speaker B: It's seven eight. I guess I'll take a ham. No bread, just ham. [00:31:17] Speaker A: Well, that takes ten minutes. [00:31:20] Speaker C: I'll make it for you and then we can go. [00:31:23] Speaker B: Wonderful. [00:31:26] Speaker C: Ham. [00:31:27] Speaker B: Wait, ham. [00:31:28] Speaker C: Ham. [00:31:30] Speaker A: By the way, she starts cutting a ham very slowly. [00:31:33] Speaker B: I'll go wait at the pickup counter. But first, before I go, I never got your name. [00:31:39] Speaker C: My name is Veronica. [00:31:41] Speaker B: Wow, Veronica. Veronica and Gerald. A match made in ham. We cut back. [00:31:53] Speaker C: Listen, I think the best use of our time here is to go and check out and make sure that every other person on this block is handing out appropriate treats for the first Halloween. Because if they are not celebrating first Halloween of the year, then this entire thing is a wash and our administration has lost a lot of power. I think we got to go and we got to make sure that everybody's doing what they're supposed to do. [00:32:14] Speaker B: Okay, guys, wait. What's going on? I'm sorry. I was in the back counting my condoms. 713. What's going on? [00:32:27] Speaker C: We still record that's too many no. [00:32:29] Speaker A: Okay, yeah, we had a very insightful conversation with the second biggest dicked man I've ever met. [00:32:36] Speaker C: I'm sorry, what? [00:32:37] Speaker B: I'd love to hear the story of the first, but I don't know. [00:32:41] Speaker A: Another time. [00:32:42] Speaker B: Yeah. So are we going to sit down and keep recording or what? [00:32:47] Speaker A: Maybe we could finally start talking about what we could actually do today. God damn it. [00:32:53] Speaker C: Guys. No, there's no time for that. Oh, shit. Is that another one? [00:32:57] Speaker A: Okay, he has one more. [00:32:58] Speaker C: All right, I got it. Happy first Halloween, everybody. Hello. Who are you supposed to be? [00:33:08] Speaker B: We're brothers. [00:33:10] Speaker C: I can see that. You guys look exactly alike. So how old are you guys? [00:33:17] Speaker B: I'm nine. [00:33:20] Speaker A: I'm twelve. [00:33:22] Speaker C: All right, put together. That's old enough. All right, here's a condom. [00:33:27] Speaker B: Can I have a mound? Do you have any mounds? [00:33:30] Speaker C: No. We got chocolate coins. Is that good enough? [00:33:33] Speaker B: That's pretty narrow. You didn't get the variety pack. [00:33:38] Speaker C: We got condoms and we have exactly condoms and we have exactly chocolate coins that look like condoms when they're wrapped up that's variety. [00:33:52] Speaker A: That's two things. It varies. [00:33:54] Speaker B: That's true. Good point, brother. [00:33:57] Speaker C: All right, guys, what brought you to this mayor's office on Hollow fucking Ween that made you so happy? Not for nothing, but if you're two young children, there are other houses. [00:34:13] Speaker B: Sign outside says Candy and then small underneath it says, and condoms. So we thought, let's go get some candy and find out what condoms? [00:34:22] Speaker C: Oh, okay. What are they? So condoms are when you want to wait. Mike, I have Mr. Woody flash forward five minutes. Does that make sense? Does that make sense, kids? [00:34:36] Speaker B: I need to call my dad. [00:34:38] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, that's actually a good question. [00:34:41] Speaker C: Does your dad know where you are? [00:34:43] Speaker B: Yeah, he's waiting outside with our other brother. [00:34:46] Speaker C: You have a third brother? [00:34:48] Speaker B: Yeah, he's dressed as Buz Lightyear. [00:34:50] Speaker C: Oh, shit, dad. All right, Alex, Adam, we gotta go right now. [00:35:02] Speaker B: Okay, let's go out through the I have to tell you guys something. I built a condom cave underneath the town hall. We don't have to talk about how and why. Let's go. Let's get out through the condom. [00:35:12] Speaker C: You hear some banging as they go up, as they leave. [00:35:15] Speaker A: Adam, is this where all this taxpayer money went? I thought you were going to help. [00:35:20] Speaker B: No, this was funded entirely by donations from big condom. You don't have to worry about that here's. Obviously, we're going to go down the Trojan fire poles and we're going to go down the direct we're going to get into the Directs mobile. [00:35:39] Speaker C: You know, guys, all right, I got to be real with you here. This is a radical concept, but maybe condoms just shouldn't be given out on Halloween. [00:35:49] Speaker A: You know what my bigger question is, Mike? Yeah, but also, you remember in the episode when Raymond came back with the box of condoms in the bag? [00:36:01] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:36:02] Speaker A: And he was like, look, we'll use these for sex. [00:36:05] Speaker C: Is that your Raymond? It's a little disappointing every day that after three seasons of this show, none of us has a passable Ray Romano impression. [00:36:16] Speaker B: I don't know. [00:36:17] Speaker A: Pretty good. [00:36:19] Speaker B: Let's do a quick Ray Romano impression off. [00:36:22] Speaker C: Okay, you go first. [00:36:23] Speaker B: You go first. Well, let's start with the weakest. [00:36:27] Speaker A: Mike, you go first. [00:36:27] Speaker B: Wait, hold on for copy. I need you guys to I'm trying. [00:36:31] Speaker A: To it sounds like squidward on acid. [00:36:35] Speaker C: That's how Ray Romano sounds. [00:36:37] Speaker B: I signed a contract with Trojan promising that I could get Ray Romano to read a Trojan ad. So I just need you to say, as Ray Romano, I'm going to record this, obviously, or cut it out of the podcast. It feels like nothing's there. As Ray Romano. And then that's big money right there for the town. So Mike will do it, alex will do it. I'll do. [00:37:06] Speaker C: Oh, hi, I'm Ray Romano. I'm here with Trojan. It feels like nothing's there. [00:37:12] Speaker B: Not the copy. [00:37:13] Speaker A: Wrong condom. [00:37:15] Speaker C: Sorry. [00:37:17] Speaker B: The copy is it feels like a lot of people have this problem where they feel like they need to introduce themselves before everything they say the copy is. It feels like nothing feels like a theme here. [00:37:34] Speaker C: It feels like nothing's there. Yeah, that's it. That's all I got. [00:37:38] Speaker B: I give that a that's it's so generous. Well, you don't know what it's out of. [00:37:45] Speaker C: Alex. [00:37:47] Speaker A: Alex, what's your impression? [00:37:50] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:37:59] Speaker A: It feels like nothing's there. [00:38:01] Speaker B: That was really good. I'm giving that a seven. [00:38:04] Speaker A: Hey, that's pretty nice. Thank you. [00:38:06] Speaker B: Okay. Oh. It feels like nothing's there. [00:38:18] Speaker C: It's an eight. [00:38:19] Speaker B: So pretty good. [00:38:22] Speaker A: I've always loved your Ray voice back to the point I was trying to make. [00:38:27] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:38:28] Speaker A: And the topic of conversation, that's really not important to the overarching episode, but one I really wanted to deep dive with you guys in. So he comes back from the store with the condoms and he has, like, the whole talk with Deborah about how he's going to start doing this for her. And it's then and then later, obviously, Frank sees the bag with the condoms in it and mistakes them are candy. My question is, why on earth did, like, open up the box of condoms and then dump the condoms into the bag? [00:39:02] Speaker C: Easy access. [00:39:03] Speaker A: And then put the bag easy access. It's not even a difference. [00:39:10] Speaker B: You need to do the same number of moves to open the bag as to open the box. I will say I was shocked at how large the box was. That's a big box for only 24 condoms. [00:39:23] Speaker C: He was planning for a lot of use there, man. [00:39:26] Speaker B: And it was the they were materials conscious, as we are now. [00:39:31] Speaker A: But yeah, it's all about advertising. Big box equals big space on the shelves. [00:39:35] Speaker B: Well, big box warrants big condom, unfortunately. [00:39:40] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:39:40] Speaker C: You know what they say about big condoms? Big socks. [00:39:46] Speaker A: I will say those condoms actually looked like they looked, like pretty big they. [00:39:51] Speaker B: Looked a decent size. Yeah. [00:39:55] Speaker A: Is it weird to say every time I watch this episode, I was like, I kind of always wanted to have one of those just to hold because they look weird. And I just want to feel what it feels like. [00:40:06] Speaker B: They are proper compared to it's. Definitely. [00:40:09] Speaker A: Like it's nothing just wrapped in, like, foil or something. And it might be a little bigger so the audience and us could see it, but still, I've always just been interested in seeing what they look like up close. [00:40:24] Speaker C: I had two thoughts about this episode just as a general thing. Number one, I think it would have been really funny for them to show Rey negotiating with the children to get quote unquote, chocolate coins back. I thought that would have been a really funny scene that I was a little disappointed. My second thing is they seem to have weird rules about what they can and cannot say because in the bedroom they're adults, but they don't want to say spermicidal cream or condoms or anything like that. But then later on they show a box that literally has the word condoms on it. So is it just that they can't say that it's clearly not? [00:41:09] Speaker B: I really don't know. And then they don't say vasectomy. They do, they say they say before. Oh, they do? [00:41:17] Speaker C: Yeah. Nemo comes over and says, here you're looking to get the vasectomy or something. Yeah. So he says the word. [00:41:27] Speaker A: Maybe, but I feel like he was just going to thought he said thinking about getting the wires cut. Oh, no, that was it. [00:41:34] Speaker C: Someone said vasectomy at some point during this episode. [00:41:36] Speaker A: But I agree with you, Mike. I feel like someone did. I just can't remember where. Yeah, it might have been Robert because. [00:41:46] Speaker B: Robert had a lot of colorful euphemisms for know he knew this guy on the force who got the vasectomy and could no longer salute the captain, so to speak. Which again, is not true. He was firing blanks. That's a might be true for that. [00:42:09] Speaker C: Guy, but more of a psychological thing than anything else. [00:42:13] Speaker A: Yeah, Robert did say it got in his head. [00:42:16] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:42:17] Speaker A: And I'm sure that is a thing that people have for sure. Getting a vasectomy does not help with Ed. [00:42:27] Speaker B: Yeah, I don't know enough to say, but I do know that yeah, both things could be true. He could have gotten a vasectomy and had Ed, but not necessarily because correlation causation he could protect, but he could not serve, Robert says. Yeah, so a lot of colorful cop themed vasectomy metaphors, which I was okay. [00:42:53] Speaker C: With because they were funny, to be clear. But know, I just thought it was interesting. [00:43:00] Speaker B: Also, I wanted to point out, like in that scene, robert's first guess when Ray says he's going to the doctor is that he's going to see the guy with the glove get the old prostate exam. [00:43:15] Speaker C: This was really funny. [00:43:17] Speaker B: Ray says no glove and Robert says he doesn't use a glove. That's a great joke. The most terrifying thing that could happen to a man in the 90s was getting a prostate exam. That is such a trope that's all over these sitcoms. Are you saying Queens has a prostate joke? Yeah. [00:43:38] Speaker C: Are you saying you enjoy prostate exams, Adam? [00:43:41] Speaker B: I've never gotten one because I'm not over 50. It might be 40, but I also think they've figured out how to do it without glove. I don't mean without glove. I mean they don't need to do it that way. [00:43:57] Speaker A: My thought about it is like, I don't care how you look forward to the prostate exam, which or whatever, as long as your doctor isn't excited for that's. That's the real thing. [00:44:08] Speaker B: You gotta wonder like, I want a. [00:44:10] Speaker A: Doctor that does not want to do. [00:44:12] Speaker B: That, but has the yeah. I don't know. It seems like a weird thing. I wanted to talk about the Halloween costumes at Nemo's, though. [00:44:21] Speaker C: Oh, I also want to talk about nemo brought it. [00:44:24] Speaker B: Nemo brought it for sure. Carmen Miranda look. And then Susie the waitress was a devil and Angelina the nun. And Andy can't not harass Angelina every time he's horny. [00:44:38] Speaker C: Oh, my god, I hate him. I hate him. [00:44:41] Speaker B: I want to like Andy a nightmare. [00:44:43] Speaker C: I want to like Andy, but it's just my god. [00:44:47] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:44:48] Speaker A: He's just so. [00:44:51] Speaker B: Mean. Well, that's the thing about him, is that in some scenes, they write him as kind of cute and endearing. He's just Andy. He's like a man child or whatever. He's like a nerdy manchild. But then like this really anytime he's around a woman, it gets. [00:45:13] Speaker A: Obvious why he's not married. [00:45:15] Speaker B: Yeah. So fuck Andy. The character. Andy kindler is pretty cool. Susan Barron, Joseph V. Perry and Tina Arning are back, by the way, as they excellent. I think this is the first time we've seen all three of them in a little bit. Wow. [00:45:33] Speaker C: Well, and I love the headdress. I also loved how Nemo just came over, just be like, hey, where'd you get your wires cut? And then immediately walked away. Just like, your dick's going to be like my dick. And he bounces. [00:45:47] Speaker B: Nemo was know, get ready for more sex than you've ever had in your. [00:45:52] Speaker C: Basically like but still a very detailed, intimate conversation. And then just leaving. Just like no, nothing. Just like, how well does he know this guy? Listen, I'm close with my barber. I'm close with a couple of other people that I go to regularly. I don't think I'd ever talk to them about the details of a vasectomy. You know what I mean? [00:46:15] Speaker B: I don't know, Mike. I've read your barber's blog, and he does have a lot of details. At least he claims. [00:46:24] Speaker C: Come on. Not Paolo. [00:46:26] Speaker B: He's really spilling your tea. [00:46:28] Speaker C: Son of a gun. Got to move. [00:46:30] Speaker B: See, like a Sex in the City sort of like montage of Paolo walking through the streets of New York as he's narrating the details of Mike's sex life. Should be powell. [00:46:51] Speaker C: So you see, he walks down the street and he says to the woman, I have 736 condoms back at my back at my workplace. [00:47:02] Speaker A: Jesus, Mark. [00:47:03] Speaker C: And she says, no. And he walks away. But that was the closest he got to a woman in months. I read a very boring blog. [00:47:13] Speaker B: Yeah, I don't know. I mean, I've learned a lot about you. That's all I can say. [00:47:18] Speaker C: I don't all right? [00:47:20] Speaker B: And I'm pretty active in those comments. [00:47:28] Speaker C: Look, we smash cut to the comment section under this pathetic Vlog of Paolo writing, and then the woman walked away and slapped him in the face. [00:47:39] Speaker B: Yeah, we do that thing that's really in in low budget movies these days where the whole movie is on the computer screen, and it's the comment box on Paolo's blog, which looks great. So much like early 2000s HTML going on there. And of course, my username is Mike G more like Mike G spot. Sorry. My username is Mike G Spot and I'm writing 713, actually. Enter. How he smash cut back, guys, let's get I think I hear them upstairs. They might have moved the bookcase full of condoms. That's the entrance to the condom cave. [00:48:33] Speaker C: I hear a knock coming from the other side of the Durexmobile. Hold on. [00:48:38] Speaker B: You want to roll down the hello. [00:48:42] Speaker C: Hi. Trick or treat. [00:48:44] Speaker A: Hi. How'd you get here? [00:48:47] Speaker C: There was a sidewalk. [00:48:50] Speaker A: Oh, that's true. [00:48:52] Speaker B: I should tell you guys. I mean, it's not obvious from the inside, but this is a Ben and Jerry's on the outside, and it is street level, so people can just walk in. Yeah. How old are you? [00:49:05] Speaker C: I'm 13. [00:49:08] Speaker A: Wow, borderline puberty is taking its time. [00:49:14] Speaker C: Hey, fuck you, buddy. [00:49:16] Speaker A: Here, have some chocolate. [00:49:17] Speaker B: Yeah, I think we're safe giving this one candy. I'm rehearsing for my cameo cover band. Son. Sir child, what's your name? [00:49:29] Speaker A: Hi, my name is sir. [00:49:32] Speaker C: My name's Diego. [00:49:33] Speaker A: He's on his tippy toes. [00:49:34] Speaker C: Yeah. My name's Diego. I appreciate the chocolate, but I feel like a condom, please. [00:49:42] Speaker B: Well, why? Yeah, why? What are your intentions with this? [00:49:46] Speaker C: Well, you see, my teacher got Mr. Woody and all right, fine. Yeah, can I have the thank you. Thank you very much. [00:49:54] Speaker B: There you go. Hey, it's important for teens to practice safe sex or whatever that kid is doing. [00:50:00] Speaker A: Yeah, safe. I don't know. Just do it safely. [00:50:05] Speaker B: Whatever you do, do it. Know, I'm thinking that maybe driving the Durexmobile through the plate glass window in front of the Ben and Jerry's is going to be drawing too much attention to us. So why don't we just walk out and we can go door to door and reverse trick or treat, hand out the rest of these coins? [00:50:27] Speaker A: Yeah. People do that? [00:50:29] Speaker B: Yeah, everyone knows what that is and expects it. [00:50:33] Speaker A: And the treats we'll get are their thoughts and opinions about this episode of Everybody Loves Raymond. [00:50:40] Speaker B: Exactly. The opinions of the very organic we cut. Hey, guys, knocking on the first oh, go ahead. [00:50:47] Speaker C: We're done with you. [00:50:48] Speaker B: I didn't realize you were still there. [00:50:52] Speaker C: Diego's eating rubber on foot as you guys diego. You see Diego trying to take a bite of the condom as you drive away. [00:51:07] Speaker B: We cut to us knocking on the first door. [00:51:09] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:51:10] Speaker C: Hey, would you like chocolate and or condoms? [00:51:14] Speaker A: Chocolate condoms. [00:51:15] Speaker B: No, chocolate and or condoms. [00:51:18] Speaker C: One of the two. [00:51:20] Speaker B: Both or either. Not. Neither. What was your question? Sorry. [00:51:23] Speaker A: We speak English here. [00:51:24] Speaker B: What was your question? [00:51:26] Speaker A: Sorry, can I have the chocolate condom? [00:51:29] Speaker C: No, it's either chocolate or a condom. I mean, I guess you could have both, but they're two separate things. You see what I mean? [00:51:40] Speaker B: And you could combine them. All you'd have to do is melt the chocolate onto the condom. But we're not providing you with one. [00:51:51] Speaker A: Do you have viagra? [00:51:53] Speaker B: Yes, we do. Hold on. Yeah, no, I'm a pharmacist now. I have take out, like, a cigarette case with Viagra. Like, sweet tart rolls of Viagra and Cialis. [00:52:08] Speaker A: He takes one. Got a light? [00:52:09] Speaker B: Extends is that one? [00:52:11] Speaker C: Got a lighter? [00:52:12] Speaker B: Yeah. Let me give you a light. [00:52:16] Speaker A: It's good viagra. [00:52:18] Speaker C: He starts smoking it. I don't know if that's medically advisable. [00:52:22] Speaker A: Sir, but now I'm ready for the sword fight later. [00:52:27] Speaker C: The sword fight later. [00:52:29] Speaker B: We get to a fight Club style basement where a lot of older men there's, like a guy pulls up in his sports car. There's, like, a guy playing in a blues band. There's a guy walking with his wife through a forest. And guys playing mini golf. [00:52:48] Speaker A: Fencing. Yeah. With the well, you know oh, good, Perry, dear boy. Thrust, thrust, ripples. [00:53:03] Speaker C: That's a point for old man Henry Over. [00:53:06] Speaker A: Yeah, that's me. My name is Henry, by the way. [00:53:09] Speaker C: All right. [00:53:10] Speaker B: Nice to meet you, dear boy. [00:53:12] Speaker C: Henry. Henry is our victor. Henry, you are here to, I believe, take on our world champion of the game. Everybody stand on your feet as we welcome the one, the only, the behemoth himself, gerald pulls back the curtain. There is Gerald. There you see Veronica standing off to the side, just kind of clapping lightly. You see the ball, boys, ball bears. [00:53:43] Speaker A: Like a tree falling in the woods. You just see the small old man just become no more. [00:53:51] Speaker C: That's another first Halloween victory for Gerald. [00:53:58] Speaker B: Is she looking, Juan? Is she looking? [00:54:01] Speaker C: She's looking, sir. [00:54:02] Speaker A: She's getting anyway, we cut back. Thank you. I've been thinking a lot about I've been thinking a lot about condoms since the episode came out. [00:54:12] Speaker C: Yeah? What are you thinking about them? [00:54:15] Speaker A: I think that they're interesting. I think a comment that stuck out to me is that Deborah was concerned the town was thinking that she and Ray were having, quote, wild sex because they were using condoms with color on them. And I thought that was weird because why would the color of one condom one's condom imply the type of sex they are having? [00:54:46] Speaker B: The color seems to be the least determining factor for the kind of sex. [00:54:53] Speaker A: Me and the lady used tie dye condoms for 30 odd years and we never did anything other than missionary, let me tell you. [00:55:00] Speaker B: Oh, Rodney. Little Rodney Danger. [00:55:03] Speaker C: Gerald. [00:55:04] Speaker B: Okay. [00:55:05] Speaker C: All right. [00:55:06] Speaker B: Little Rodney Dangerfield coming out there. If he takes the cigarette out. [00:55:12] Speaker C: They were made by. [00:55:16] Speaker B: Made the did you tie dye them yourself or did they come that way? [00:55:21] Speaker A: Yes, they were cloth, so they were very easy to tie dye. It was a different time. [00:55:27] Speaker C: Doesn't seem very effective, but all right. [00:55:29] Speaker A: Hey, well, I got 78 grandkids, so no, it wasn't. [00:55:35] Speaker B: Depending on how the multiplication and division of that works out, maybe I don't know what the success rate is. [00:55:42] Speaker C: Oh, he's had one child. One child just went ape shit. [00:55:51] Speaker B: Speaking of that weird wild sex that Deborah was talking mean, I don't really have a segue. You know, first of all, tie dye condom sounds like a real groovy time for you and your partner there. [00:56:08] Speaker C: Tie dye condoms. Fan name. [00:56:11] Speaker B: Yeah, given the other features that are available. Yeah, just colorful condoms would not really imply anything. Wet and wild. [00:56:24] Speaker A: Per pleasure. Icy hot. [00:56:26] Speaker B: Icy Hot. [00:56:27] Speaker A: Extra large bagham and sagam. The Lance. [00:56:33] Speaker B: I liked Bagham. [00:56:34] Speaker A: The porcupine. The punch out. [00:56:39] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Well, Mike Tyson's punch out, of course. The biggest condom brand. [00:56:44] Speaker A: Horse Overlay the Dragon, cock the Fire, myalgia and what's that one? Oh, yeah, and the lemon. That one just smells like lemon. [00:57:04] Speaker B: The lemon is my favorite one. Well, you're a really interesting guy. Sorry, what was your name? I don't know if we ever got your name. [00:57:12] Speaker A: I don't remember. They named me in the fast forward. [00:57:14] Speaker C: Oh, you're henry. Oh, you are Henry. [00:57:21] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm Henry. [00:57:23] Speaker B: I'm sure everything's going to work out for you, Henry. You're not going to die. In a ridiculous way, I did like seeing that Ray and know, however lazily and unenthusiastically, they were at least trying to get a little sexy role play going with. [00:57:49] Speaker C: You. [00:57:49] Speaker A: Did you see the fuck eyes that Deborah gave him when she said, I'm a stewardess? [00:57:55] Speaker B: No, but that's great. [00:57:58] Speaker C: I'm sure they existed. [00:57:59] Speaker A: Said, I'm a stewardess, and then looked at him like, it's going down later. [00:58:04] Speaker B: All right. [00:58:06] Speaker A: It was heavily implied. I'm not the weird one. [00:58:09] Speaker B: No, I believe you. I was looking at I don't know. Was Robert in the room? Yeah, I was looking at the hat. It was just a shot of her. [00:58:19] Speaker A: There was nothing else on the screen. [00:58:21] Speaker B: That was interesting, I believe. Yeah, no, definitely. I mean, they were both down, and that's great to see. And then I will say, Frank henry, did you see the episode? You saw the episode, right? It's okay that you have just a beautiful stoop, so talk for a little. [00:58:48] Speaker A: Here, you want some water? You want some Sunny delight? [00:58:51] Speaker B: Yes, please. We would love some sunny delight. We love Sunny Delight like everyone does. [00:58:58] Speaker C: And I would also like Sunny Delight. Hold on a second, guys. There's a Latin of trickortreaters behind us that are waiting to get to this guy's house. Kids. [00:59:07] Speaker B: I don't know. Hold on. Maybe we should yeah, tell them to go away. He did just smoke a Viagra cigarette. [00:59:15] Speaker C: Guys, you got to keep moving. I'm sorry, budy. You got to keep going. No, Mike Wazowski can't be here. Can't be here right now. [00:59:26] Speaker B: Right. All right, I'm going down the street. It was sad. [00:59:31] Speaker C: You see, Billy Bob Thornton just puts his fingers to the eyes and makes like the I'm watching you sign to the Billy Bob Thornton, the big muscular man whose kid that we told to fuck off. [00:59:44] Speaker B: You mean Billy Bob Jenkins, not the actor Billy Bob Thornton? [00:59:48] Speaker C: That is who I meant. I didn't there's also now we're on Billy Bob Thornton's shit list as well, apparently. [00:59:54] Speaker B: Oh, they're brothers. Wait. That's Billy Bob Thornton. The actor from Bad Santa? He's brothers with Billy Bob Jenkins? [01:00:03] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:00:04] Speaker A: What about Billy Bobby Brown? [01:00:05] Speaker B: The whole Billy Bob? [01:00:07] Speaker A: The girl from strangers. [01:00:08] Speaker B: Billy bobby Brown. [01:00:18] Speaker A: Did you guys just get that? Thinking about that for, like, an hour. [01:00:22] Speaker B: Bobby Brown is very tough. You don't want to get on her bad side or she has power in Hollywood. [01:00:32] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [01:00:34] Speaker B: It seems like the whole Billy Bob family has it out for us now. Sorry, Henry, I really want to hear more of your thoughts on the episode, but we kind of have to skedaddle, if that's all right with you. [01:00:47] Speaker A: All right, I got to get to the fight anyway. [01:00:49] Speaker B: All right, good luck with that. I'm sure it's going to work out well for you. [01:00:53] Speaker C: We'll plan dinner tomorrow. How about that? [01:00:56] Speaker B: Hey, Henry. [01:00:57] Speaker A: Thanks for the viagra. That's like steroids in the Olympics. [01:01:01] Speaker B: That's like steroids in the Olympics. And by the way, Henry, that helmet looks pretty stupid. Don't wear that. Come on, let's go. Fast walking, but not obvious. We're just walking very tensely down the street. [01:01:20] Speaker C: Die by being crushed by a deer. I don't know why, but just that image of just, like, first, this is the last conversation that he's going to have with the human being. He can't come back in future in the most humiliating way possible. [01:01:43] Speaker B: Quickly walking down the street, avoiding eye contact with the Billy Bob Thornton, with. [01:01:48] Speaker C: The Billy Bob gang, which is quickly growing. [01:01:50] Speaker B: Billy Bob gang. Billy Bob family. Yes. [01:01:54] Speaker C: Okay, this was a good episode. But I want to know who's at fault here. Clearly, Frank right, because obviously he should have checked to see what was inside. [01:02:09] Speaker A: But also Frank's also just an idiot. There was no malcontent in his actions. [01:02:18] Speaker C: Was there any time that this was Ray's fault entirely? Is it wrong to want to screw your wife? Is my catchphraseman wrong this entire time? [01:02:32] Speaker A: No, I don't blame Ray at all for these events, only maybe just how he reacted to them. [01:02:37] Speaker B: And I'll actually give Ray credit because I was sort of judging Ray a little bit, because Ray just wear a condom. It doesn't have to be a vasectomy. Just take care of business. But then after he chickened out of the vasectomy, which is fine, it's surgery, he did go and get a box of condoms. So sort of stepping up in that thought, you know, he's not at fault at all for this. Really? It's Frank's fault for not doing a quick check. My recollection is chocolate coins are wrapped circularly. They're not a square. Like a condom is wrapped like a pillow. [01:03:20] Speaker A: These guys those were wrapped round. [01:03:22] Speaker C: Yeah, these condoms are wrapped circularly. [01:03:25] Speaker B: Yeah, they were. [01:03:26] Speaker A: Which makes me think yeah, that's why I want to see one close up, because they do honestly look like chocolate coins. [01:03:37] Speaker B: Okay. [01:03:37] Speaker A: That's why I don't really proclaim Frank at all, because these are not like any condoms I've ever seen. I don't know how they looked in the was not sexually active in the 90s or now, don't worry. [01:03:52] Speaker B: Should I go incognito to Google 90s condom? [01:03:56] Speaker C: No, we're good with that. [01:03:58] Speaker A: With that knowledge. No incognito. Just straight up add it to your history. Make your FBI agent ask questions. [01:04:08] Speaker B: Oh, wow, that's cool. There's a Madonna themed condom. [01:04:12] Speaker C: I want it. [01:04:13] Speaker B: Madonna 90 Madondom Madondom 90s Condom. Small box, $15 out of stock. No, these are all wrapped square. Anyway. [01:04:29] Speaker A: Yeah, weird Ray just got the weird condoms that look like chocolate coins on Halloween. [01:04:35] Speaker C: All right? [01:04:35] Speaker A: It's just a weird set. And you can't even blame him for that because he didn't look at them before he bought them. They were in a box. He just bought the box that said colorful on it for a little bit of no blame for Ray here. I don't even blame Frank that much. The only thing I do blame on Frank and basically on the rest of the family, is that there was not one single Frankenstein pun in this episode. [01:04:59] Speaker C: There you go. [01:05:01] Speaker B: Are you sure? I mean, did he come in and say, I'm Frankenstein? No. [01:05:07] Speaker C: He just says I'm Frankenstein. [01:05:09] Speaker B: No special emphasis. You want a little trivia about that? This is some obvious trivia, but Frank is dressed up as Frankenstein, and Peter Boyle played Frankenstein's monster in Mel Brooks. Frankenstein. [01:05:28] Speaker C: Okay, that's a clever that's a clever callback reference thing. That's smart. I love it. [01:05:33] Speaker B: Having a little fun. [01:05:34] Speaker A: That is awesome. And I always forget he's in that because, I mean, it's all the makeup. You don't even recognize him in the movie. [01:05:39] Speaker B: And he's young. From our experience of watching the show, we only know him as an older man. But yeah, it's true. You don't even think about it, but that's a little fun callback from the producers. I hope somebody was aware of it and nobody was just like, oh, that's funny. We had no sure. [01:05:56] Speaker A: I'm sure someone was. [01:05:58] Speaker B: I do love that Frank and Marie's costumes are they're all head. Like, they're just wearing sensible tops. Otherwise it's very old person. Well, Marie did the I assume the hair might have been a wig, but she did, like, face paint and stuff. And Frankenstein head was pretty good. Yeah, I did want to point out there's some big M M's product placement in the scene where Frank comes in, he's waving that fully branded box of M M's around for all to see. It's like Canada dry level product placement. So good for Mars and Murray for getting in there with that. [01:06:43] Speaker C: All right, is there any last little points that we want to wrap up? Because I think we've properly distributed all the rest of these 713 condoms. [01:06:52] Speaker A: I think we should no children will be conceived tonight. [01:06:58] Speaker B: I dumped them in the storm drain a few blocks back on Catalpa. [01:07:03] Speaker A: No alligators will be conceived tonight. [01:07:07] Speaker C: So are we ready to drop the barometer, or do we have any last little bits to bring up? [01:07:13] Speaker B: Oh, I have quite a few people. Oh, you do? [01:07:18] Speaker A: We're walking back in. Adam, hit us with your trivia. [01:07:21] Speaker B: Can we get the buzzer, please? Hello? Hey, Raylene, can you let us in? It's the boys. It's the barone boys. Can you let us in, please? [01:07:35] Speaker A: The mayor's not here right now. [01:07:36] Speaker B: No, the mayor is here. He's with us downstairs. [01:07:41] Speaker C: Raylene, the mayor. [01:07:41] Speaker A: No visitors. I was told no visitors unless you want a condom. [01:07:45] Speaker B: No visitors. We want a condom. [01:07:47] Speaker A: We're out of condoms. [01:07:48] Speaker B: Come again? I'm sorry. I tried. Mike, why don't you try? [01:07:53] Speaker C: Hey, Raylene. Hello, Raylene. It's Mike G. Hey, Raylene, how are you? [01:08:02] Speaker B: Hey, we're doing a split screen, by the way, and one of those cool ones where it's like a lightning bolt, and we see Raylene sort of, like, twirling her hair when she hears that it's Mike, and she's, like, really interested in him. [01:08:15] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:08:17] Speaker A: Do you want a. [01:08:21] Speaker C: A you actually see the third split screen pops up, and Paolo's there listening on the other end, you know? Really? And I would actually love a condom. Could you let us and a fourth. [01:08:33] Speaker B: Split screen comes on, and it's a shot of my phone over my shoulder, and I'm on Paolo's website just waiting to comment. Mike, if you want a it makes me really happy we're still out, so I'm sorry. [01:08:49] Speaker C: Raylene? Raylene? [01:08:52] Speaker A: Hello? [01:08:53] Speaker C: Raylene, come on. It's Mike again. All right. I don't need a condom. I just need to come upstairs. Well, the mayor's busy, but the mayor's with me. The mayor's right next to me. [01:09:07] Speaker A: Raylene, I'm right here. Who is that? [01:09:09] Speaker C: It's a mayor. [01:09:10] Speaker B: I'm confused. [01:09:11] Speaker C: Raylene, I'll take you to Red Lobster on Friday if you let us upstairs. Whoa. There we go. [01:09:21] Speaker B: And Paolo hits post and I hit comment. Okay. All right. Yeah. So that was very smooth, Mike. [01:09:33] Speaker C: Thank you. [01:09:34] Speaker B: I have some trivia. Do you want to hit us with. [01:09:37] Speaker C: Your last couple of trivias? [01:09:38] Speaker B: Yeah. Okay. So there are a lot of guest actors in this episode. Surprising for an episode which the IMDb summary is. Ray plans an evening of sex on Halloween. There are a lot of child actors in this episode. Oh, no. I'll start with the ones that are related to the crew of the show. So we've got Sam Scroven is in it as a trick or treater. This episode is written by Steve Scroven, who's been on this podcast. Odly, enough. We just spent 2 hours talking about condoms. [01:10:17] Speaker C: Why didn't you want to come back? [01:10:19] Speaker A: I mean, look, in a roundabout way, this whole episode is his fault. [01:10:24] Speaker B: That's true. Art Begetting whole conversation was because of. [01:10:29] Speaker A: That man, and I love him for that. [01:10:31] Speaker B: Yeah, he's a great guy. Nick Rosito, now a writer producer who's done Nickelodeon shows as a writer and has produced other I back to people who are related to the crew. We've got Ben Rosenthal, who has appeared as himself on Somebody Feed Phil, but also has a couple of recent acting credits, so that's pretty cool. We've got Zach Robinson, who is a prolific now TV and film score music guy. Like, he does a lot of TV and film scores. He has the most built up IMDb page of any of these. We've got Tess Oakland, who's playing was there a point where the Parkers identified themselves because she is playing Sally Parker in this episode and will play Sally Parker in one other episode. We saw the Parkers in the sitter. [01:11:29] Speaker C: I do not recall. [01:11:32] Speaker B: But Elizabeth Herring is also back as Carrie Parker, who was credited in the previous episode as Mary, despite saying that her name was Carrie in the episode IMDb. [01:11:47] Speaker C: I remember the Parkers called Deborah, but I don't remember them ever being on screen. [01:11:53] Speaker B: Okay, interesting. I thought maybe that she was the one who was telling Frank off for whatever that initial confrontation was. It wasn't about the condoms. No, it was about Frank scaring there was an adult. Yeah, scaring the kids. Oh, I wanted to say that. Also, Frank, once he realized that he had scared the kids, was actually pretty sweet to the kids in that scene. [01:12:16] Speaker C: Yeah, true. [01:12:16] Speaker B: You can see how Frank is a good grandfather. Elizabeth Herring is back as Carrie Parker. She's going to be on a couple more episodes down the line. She has one other acting credit from 2015, at least on IMDb. Finally, the best name of them all, the child actor with arguably the biggest role in this episode, vinny Buffalino. [01:12:39] Speaker C: Oh, wow. That is quite a name. [01:12:41] Speaker B: He played Dracula. He had four roles as a child actor, including the movie Matilda Rolled. Those Matilda. So those are all of the credited trick or treaters. There are probably more that weren't credited, but yeah. [01:12:59] Speaker C: All right. That's awesome. [01:13:00] Speaker B: Pretty interesting stuff. Yeah, that got us up all the stairs here. Wow, that's very impressive. In the office. Oh, say hi to Mike. [01:13:08] Speaker C: Hey. Hey, Raylene. It's good to see you. [01:13:11] Speaker B: Hi, Mike. [01:13:13] Speaker C: All right, bye. [01:13:14] Speaker B: That is a real meaningful glance at you two. [01:13:17] Speaker C: Yeah, I guess so, because I didn't. [01:13:19] Speaker B: Oh, wait, Mike, mike, she just dropped all her papers. Go back and help. Yeah. Maybe touch hands with her. [01:13:26] Speaker C: All right. [01:13:26] Speaker B: So resistant to it's. [01:13:30] Speaker A: Love. Mike. [01:13:32] Speaker C: All right. Here you go, Raylene. [01:13:35] Speaker B: Mike, is there somebody else that you're interested in? [01:13:38] Speaker C: I just really don't want to deal with you and HR at the present moment. [01:13:42] Speaker B: That's fine. [01:13:43] Speaker C: All right. [01:13:44] Speaker B: Here, have a condom. [01:13:46] Speaker C: I thought you said we were out. [01:13:48] Speaker B: I've always got one up my sleeve and on my hey, Mike, really? Really? Is there somebody else that you're interested in? Mike? Sort of. Wistfully looks out the window as the ball bearers are flying a helicopter. Hoisting gerald through the. [01:14:10] Speaker C: Nobody. Don't worry about it. I'll go help Rayleigh. [01:14:16] Speaker B: All right. Come on, Alex. Let's sit down in the big chairs and get ready to unfurl the barometer. Scroll. [01:14:28] Speaker A: This is a scroll we never talked about. [01:14:30] Speaker C: This is a really nice drawing. Oh, you know, Raylene, that's really generous proportions, I got to say. Jesus got a talent there, Raylene. [01:14:44] Speaker B: I was trying to be realistic. I'm just not a good artist. [01:14:47] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. Okay. Sorry to let you down. All right. Bye, buddy. [01:14:55] Speaker B: Bye, buddy. We won't know until we try Mike. [01:15:00] Speaker C: Sprint into the the of End office. [01:15:04] Speaker B: Okay. I hate to see him go, but I love to watch him go the other way because his ass is nailed it. Hey, so what time are you going to Red Lobster? [01:15:22] Speaker C: Fuck raylene? Lobster at seven tomorrow. [01:15:29] Speaker B: Okay. All right. Tomorrow. [01:15:32] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:15:33] Speaker B: Okay. Yeah. This has all been happening before seven. That we've been doing this Halloween themed trick or treating themed episode. [01:15:42] Speaker A: It's actually three in the afternoon. [01:15:43] Speaker B: Yeah. And it is hot. [01:15:47] Speaker C: It's July. [01:15:49] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:15:51] Speaker A: This isn't a good idea. We shouldn't do this again. [01:15:53] Speaker C: Terrible idea. [01:15:55] Speaker B: So the barometer is our scale from one to ten, on which we rank Ray's performance as a husband, brother, son, father, fucker. With ten being you always say, like. [01:16:11] Speaker A: Husband, father, son, and right after that I keep thinking you're going to say Holy Spirit and it makes me feel things. [01:16:18] Speaker B: Maybe one day, maybe that'll be the appropriate adjective for an episode. Or I guess that's a noun. With ten being. The great dads of sitcom history. Your Danny Tanners, your Uncle Phil's, your Carl Winslow's. Mike, give me another dad. Good dad. [01:16:38] Speaker C: Batman. No, Alfred. Alfred. Batman's a bad dad. Alfred's a good dad. [01:16:43] Speaker B: Is Batman a. [01:16:46] Speaker A: Current he's a surrogate. [01:16:48] Speaker C: No, the current Robin is Damien Wayne, an unbeknownst childhood son. A child that he had elsewhere was raised by Roth al Ghul. [01:16:57] Speaker B: That's a different thing. [01:16:58] Speaker C: Yeah, he didn't know about it. And then Damien Wayne started killing people and he was like, all right, you're in the new Robin. That's a different. [01:17:06] Speaker B: Well, okay, Alex, hold on. And one being the terrible men of television history, your Walter white stone drapers. Men who actively harm their families. Alex, give me another example of Butterscotch horsemen. Yeah. Yeah, that's a heavy bit. [01:17:28] Speaker A: I've been saving that one because that's my favorite show ever. [01:17:31] Speaker B: You've been haunted by that. So we're going to go around and each of us are going to hold on. My phone is buzzing here. Hello? Paolo. You want to use it actually sounds. [01:17:54] Speaker A: Like he's talking to us on a phone. [01:17:58] Speaker B: It's incredible. You've got a lot to say. Paolo. [01:18:02] Speaker C: How's it going? Meatball. [01:18:03] Speaker B: Yes. Plastic meatball linguini. Yeah. Okay. Do you need me? Okay. Yes. Okay, guys, I have to go. Paolo needs me. He needs to put an entire lasagna inside of a condom, and I'm the only one who has one that's wide enough. [01:18:40] Speaker A: He's got a lady friend. [01:18:47] Speaker B: Okay. Interesting little fusion there. Okay. Yes, Paolo, I will be right there. [01:18:55] Speaker A: Wow. Sounds like Paolo's trying to do a twist on the old classic, the Italian pile driver. [01:19:04] Speaker B: Nothing says pile driver like a wide lasagna. All right, I'm going to run and do that. Do you guys mind, like, holding off on the barometer until I'm adam, bring gloves as well. You can't be too careful. [01:19:18] Speaker A: All right, bye. [01:19:19] Speaker C: Goodbye. [01:19:20] Speaker B: Raylene, call the car. [01:19:23] Speaker A: All right, Mike, we're still doing, but. [01:19:26] Speaker C: We need a third person. [01:19:27] Speaker B: Who's the knock knock. [01:19:30] Speaker A: Hello, Billy. [01:19:32] Speaker B: Jean is not my love. Hey, boys. Have you met Veronica? [01:19:42] Speaker C: Oh, I can't say I have. Oh, hello, Veronica. [01:19:45] Speaker A: It's. Hi, Veronica. [01:19:47] Speaker C: Hello. [01:19:49] Speaker B: I just wanted to come by and thank you guys. If it wasn't for that condom you gave me, I never would have well, I wouldn't be getting married tomorrow. [01:20:01] Speaker A: Wow, it's been, like, 30 minutes. [01:20:03] Speaker C: You're getting married? [01:20:05] Speaker B: What can I say? It was love at first ham. [01:20:10] Speaker A: Hey, Mike, you know what? When the ring fits yeah, I guess. [01:20:16] Speaker C: Yeah, that's no problem. Yeah, good for you. [01:20:20] Speaker B: I have your approval. Great. Yeah, that's why I'm here, because I wanted to ask for your approval to get married. Thank you. [01:20:25] Speaker C: Why the fuck else would you come here? [01:20:27] Speaker B: I'm a lot more confident. Now fuck off. [01:20:33] Speaker A: You want to do the barometer with us? [01:20:36] Speaker B: What is that? Explain it to me. [01:20:39] Speaker A: We already did. Adam already explained it. Play back this episode. [01:20:43] Speaker B: Okay, let me listen to one of your previous episodes on four times speed. [01:20:48] Speaker C: Okay. [01:20:49] Speaker B: Fettuccine Alfredo. Yes. Lasagna. Got it. Okay, so it's the scale from one to ten on which you rate Ray's performance on a scale of one to ten. [01:20:58] Speaker C: You got it? [01:20:59] Speaker A: We already went over this. [01:21:01] Speaker B: Okay, cool. [01:21:01] Speaker A: We go over it every time. [01:21:03] Speaker B: All right. [01:21:03] Speaker A: Painstaking detail. [01:21:05] Speaker B: I'll go third because I want to kiss my sweetie a little bit. [01:21:09] Speaker C: Alex, you go first. [01:21:13] Speaker A: Great. So in this episode, Ray is motivated, I think, or what I've got is motivated purely by sex. But because he listened to Deborah, they were able to communicate about how they could have sex more often. Ray was uncomfortable getting a vasectomy, which I think is fine, and he came up with an alternative solution that made Deborah feel heard and took care of the issue that they were having. Again, he was motivated by sex, nothing else. And the actions in the episode after the whole condom incident were questionable. But I think overall, he did a fine job and was an admirable partner. And despite his motivation, again, he just kind of he listened to Deborah and he made a change that helped their. [01:22:05] Speaker C: Thinking. Similarly, he was fine. You know how much I love it when Ray wants to screw his wife. We think that's a very good thing here at the Barone Zone. But I will say that I did not love Ray's reaction immediately. I think that it was know he got mad at his father, but his immediate thing seemed to be, hey, the condoms are gone, and not oh, my God. Young children accidentally ended up in the hands of birth control. [01:22:39] Speaker B: The hands of birth control. [01:22:44] Speaker C: I saw a conservative documentary on sex education called that, and it was pretty eye opening. [01:22:52] Speaker A: Yeah, with that in their hands, they're going to stop so many babies. It's scary. [01:22:57] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:22:59] Speaker C: But I will say that outside of that, I think he was good. I thought that it was a very funny episode, so I obviously give points for that. Call it a six and a half. [01:23:10] Speaker B: Interesting. [01:23:11] Speaker C: All right, Gerald, what do you got? What do you got? [01:23:17] Speaker B: Well, I think you fellas are being now that I'm alpha, confident, strong guy, I've got to say, I think you guys are being a little soft on Raymond. And I do mean soft. So look, the man, first of all, aided in abetting in the distribution condoms to 15 children in his neighborhood from a crazy old man. And then his immediate reaction to that was not to call the parents as his wife Deborah did, but to run through the streets shaking down children for condoms. [01:23:59] Speaker C: Incredible. [01:24:00] Speaker B: And then he comes back, he gets what he believes is a condom, he opens it up, finds out it's a chocolate coin, which is pretty funny, to be fair. But then his immediate reaction is to open up his window and yell at some poor, confused child who's dressing up as Richard Nixon for Halloween in 1998. What the fuck was up with that? That seemed weird to me. I'm going to give Ray a three. Also, though, had we seen him put it to use, if Ray had had good, confirmed, good old sex, I think it's heavily implied, but confirmed, I'd be giving him a much higher score. [01:24:39] Speaker C: Well, that puts Ray at a five and a half for this episode. Thank you very much, Gerald, for stopping by, even though you're oh, shit. You guys hear think I think there's a scuffle happening outside. Hold on, let's see. Open the door and we see Billy Bob Jenkins standing there with Ray Ann standing to the side, just filing her nails, not caring about the fact that. [01:25:05] Speaker B: He is clearly dreaming about Mike Day. [01:25:07] Speaker C: Dreaming about Mike, not caring about the fact that he's clearly broken down the door and everything. And Billy Bob Jenkins sticks a hand out at the Barome boys and says, I warned you you were going to pay for that. Now you'll feel the wrath of the Billy Bob gang. And you see outside, Billy Bobby Brown puts her hands to her head and. [01:25:31] Speaker B: You see yeah, we see Billy Bobby Brown doing the Stranger Things thing and lifting the town hall off of the ground with everyone inside of it big time shaking. Billy Bob Thornton is down there as well, and he's just doing, like, bad Santa, which is killing with the people. And we're really close to some sort of, like, coup where the Billy Bobs are going to be taking over the town. But just as everything's about to end for the Barome boys, gerald looks at the ballbearers and he says, fellas, let me think of a Michael Jackson song. Perfect. This is perfect. You guys are really going to like this. Here it comes, fellas. It's time to beat it. [01:26:25] Speaker C: The six ball beat bearers just start running up and down alongside the massive schlong. [01:26:36] Speaker B: Not even what I was going to have them do. I was just going to have them lift it and drop it again. But that's also fine. And we smash cut to every condom. You all know what happened just then. So we smash cut to after. Everything's fine. Wow, guys, that was crazy. What happened to Gerald? Where did he go? [01:27:03] Speaker C: I think he lost it. [01:27:05] Speaker B: Saved us. [01:27:06] Speaker C: Yeah. After the incident, seemed his shalong shrank down to normal proportions. And I think that Veronica might have lost a little bit of interest. [01:27:19] Speaker B: You know, not to revisit the scene of what everybody knows happened, but I do know that after it happened, it was kind of like when you let air out of a balloon and obviously Gerald flew away into the sky, never to return. Never to return. Unfortunately. That was crazy. Glad it's all resolved. Now we don't have to worry about the Billy Bob gang anymore. But how's the barometer? You guys didn't do the barometer yet, did we? [01:27:50] Speaker C: Took care of it. What? [01:27:51] Speaker A: We took care of it. Don't you worry. [01:27:54] Speaker C: We came at a five and a half. [01:27:56] Speaker B: Yeah, that sounds right to me. All right, we're done then. [01:28:01] Speaker C: I guess there's only one thing left to do, right? [01:28:03] Speaker A: Well, I do want to there's like three things left. [01:28:07] Speaker B: There's a couple things left to do. One thing that we need to do is shout out Jack, who donated to the Baronus Zonus thank you, Jack. To a monthly bonus episode there. We're really grateful for that and appreciate the support. So that's your shout out, jack, I. [01:28:26] Speaker A: Will think of you for the next 30. [01:28:28] Speaker B: How appropriate is it that the person we're thanking on this episode is named Jack? [01:28:36] Speaker A: Jack, definitely. Sorry. [01:28:39] Speaker C: All right. [01:28:39] Speaker B: Unfortunately, there is no way for us to get around it because we owe him a shout out. And that has to be the way. [01:28:47] Speaker A: Luck of the draw. [01:28:48] Speaker B: Thank you, Jack. [01:28:49] Speaker A: Or lack of, or unlucky. [01:28:51] Speaker C: Thank you very much, Jack. We appreciate you. [01:28:53] Speaker A: You knew what you were signing up for, right? [01:28:55] Speaker B: Yeah. You've heard this? [01:28:55] Speaker A: You saw the reviews, you knew it was coming. [01:28:59] Speaker B: Also. We are at [email protected]. If you want to send us an email, we are on Facebook at Baronezone. This is news. We are on instagram and threads at Barone zone. For unfortunate reasons, we have lost access to the Barone Zone account, but we are back as Barone Zone. So go check us out there. We'll be posting some fun stuff, presumably, and then yeah, donate is where you can donate to the Baronus Zonus and get lifetime access to a monthly bonus episode. Anything else, guys, that you want to bring up before we blast off? Sorry, bust off. Sorry. Blast off. [01:29:47] Speaker C: I got nothing. [01:29:48] Speaker B: I think we're good, Alex. [01:29:51] Speaker A: I liked that Robert's friend's name was no. Now I'm good. We're ready for the classic sign off. You guys ready? [01:30:00] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:30:00] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, in that case, thank you so much for listening. I love you all and everybody loves. [01:30:07] Speaker C: Raymond, and we love.

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